Nobivac® Canine 1DAPPv Santa Cruz Animal Health
5-way Modified live. For protection against canine distemper, adenovirus type 2 (and hepatitis), parainfluenza, and parvovirus. Give IM or SQ. If primary vaccination is given before 9 weeks of age, give every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks of age, for at least 3 doses. If primary vaccination is given after 9 weeks of age, give a minimum of 2 doses, 3.

Canine Adenovirus Type 2 Merck Animal Health USA
The three core vaccines for dogs in North America are those against canine distemper virus (CDV), canine adenovirus 2 (CAV-2), and canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2). Additional vaccines may also be considered to be essential by the attending veterinarian based on their professional judgment. One obvious such example is rabies vaccine, especially.

Canine DistemperAdenovirus Type 2ParainfluenzaParvovirus Vaccine; Second Edit Blokdijk, G.J
CANINE 1-DAPPV+L 4 HELPS KEEP DOGS HEALTHY. Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Adenovirus Type 2, Canine Parainfluenza Virus, Canine Parvovirus (modified live viruses), Leptospira Canicola-Grippotyphosa-Icterohaemorrhagiae-Pomona (inactivated bacterin). PRODUCT LABEL. Effective against all known strains of canine parvovirus (CPV), including CPV-2c 2,3.

Vaccines Part III The "Distemper" Shot Spotswood Veterinary Services LLC
Canine Spectra 5 Indications. This product has been shown to be effective for the vaccination of healthy dogs 6 weeks of age or older against canine distemper virus (CDV), infectious canine hepatitis (CAV1), canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV2), canine parainfluenza (CPIV), and canine parvovirus (CPV). The duration of immunity of this product has.

Nobivac® Canine 1DAPPvL2 Santa Cruz Animal Health
DA2PP is a multivalent vaccine for dogs that protects against the viruses indicated by the alphanumeric characters forming the abbreviation: D for canine distemper, A2 for canine adenovirus type 2, which offers cross-protection to canine adenovirus type 1 (the more pathogenic of the two strains) (see Canine adenovirus), the first P for canine parvovirus, and the second P for parainfluenza.

Nobivac® Canine 1DAPPv Santa Cruz Animal Health
The 5-in-1 vaccine for dogs is typically referred to by its acronym (DHPP, DAPP, or DA2PP) to indicate the diseases it protects against. This vaccine includes protection against: Canine distemper virus (D) Two types of adenoviruses, hepatitis and kennel cough (A, A2, or H) Parainfluenza (P) Parvovirus (P)

Nobivac® Canine 1DAPPvL2 + Cv Santa Cruz Animal Health
RECOMBITEK C8 Indications. This product has been shown to be effective for the vaccination of healthy dogs 9 weeks of age and older against canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 1 (canine hepatitis), canine adenovirus type 2, canine parainfluenza virus, canine parvovirus, and the bacteria Leptospira canicola, L. grippotyphosa, L.

Nobivac® Canine 3DAPv Merck Animal Health USA
For subcutaneous vaccination of healthy dogs for prevention of disease caused by canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus Type-2 and as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by canine parainfluenza virus and canine parvovirus. Minimum age for vaccination - 6 weeks, revaccinate at 3-4 week intervals until the dog is 12 weeks of age.

Canine Spectra 6 Dog Vaccine with Parvo and Coronavirus Jeffers
The other vaccine used in this study was imported from the United States (Vangard ® Plus) and contains four Leptospira serovars (L. canicola, L. pomona, L. gryppothyphosa and L. icterohaemorrhagiae) as well as live‐attenuated viral antigens of distemper, canine parvovirus, adenovirus type‐2 and canine parainfluenza virus. Both vaccines.

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The canine adenoviruses consist of 2 predominant serotypes, CAV-1 and CAV-2. Canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) is a causative agent of canine infectious respiratory disease (), a syndrome also called canine infectious tracheobronchitis or kennel cough.Infection is often subclinical but can result in respiratory presentations ranging from mild cough to pneumonia, with rare reports of neurologic.

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Oftentimes, the noncore parainfluenza virus is also combined in this vaccine, changing the vaccine's name to DAPP or DHPP. Bordetella and Canine Parainfluenza Bordetella and canine parainfluenza virus are two agents associated with a highly contagious cough commonly known as kennel cough, or canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC) .

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The parvo vaccine for dogs is typically part of a combination injection called DA2PP or DHPP. It immunizes dogs against canine distemper, adenovirus type-2 (hepatitis), parainfluenza, and parvovirus. Parvo is an infectious disease that causes gastrointestinal illness in dogs and can be especially dangerous in puppies.

Canine Parvovirosis Merck Animal Health USA
Disease Overview. Canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) is related to the hepatitis virus, canine adenovirus type 1 (CAV-1). CAV-2 is used in vaccines to provide protection against canine infectious hepatitis. CAV-2 is also one of the causes of infectious tracheobronchitis, also known as canine cough. 30.

SoloJec 6 Boehringer Ingelheim ( Vaccines Dog Vaccines)
Versican Plus DHPPi is a veterinary vaccine that contains live attenuated (weakened) canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 2, canine parvovirus type 2b and canine parainfluenza virus type 2. Versican Plus DHPPi is available as a lyophilisate (freeze-dried pellet) with a solvent that are made up into a suspension for injection.

Vanguard Plus 5 L4 CV Dog Vaccine Zoetis Animal Health ( Vaccines Dog Vaccines)
Description. VANGUARD PLUS 5 L4. Canine Distemper-Adenovirus Type 2-Parainfluenza-Parvovirus Vaccine. Modified Live Virus. Leptospira Canicola-Grippotyphosa-Icterohaemorrhagiae-Pomona Bacterin. For use in dogs only. Vanguard Plus 5 L4 is for vaccination of healthy dogs 6 weeks of age or older as an aid in preventing canine distemper caused by.

Canine Coronavirus Merck Animal Health USA
In most cases, the distemper vaccine is bundled with the vaccines for parvovirus, adenovirus 2 and sometimes parainfluenza (which isn't considered a core vaccine on its own). So, sometimes your dog's distemper vaccine will be referred to as the DA2P vaccine (if it doesn't include the shot for parainfluenza), the DHPP vaccine or the DA2PP.
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